Annual Dues Sandy Lake Improvement Association (SLIA)
Annual Dues: $30 (per calendar year)
Effective 2025, Annual Dues will be $40
We are a lake association that is supported through membership dues and many volunteer activities.
If you are a lake association member, thank you! If not, please consider becoming a member in supporting our lake.
Who Can Join
Anyone in the Sandy Lake community who is interested in supporting the Mission and the Purpose of the Sandy Lake Improvement Association is welcome to join.
The SLIA Mission and Purpose statements can be found on the Home page.
Benefits of Joining
Members enjoy the opportunity to make a difference in the maintenance, preservation, and improvement of Sandy Lake by participating in lake activities and working together on common interests.
How to Join
Attend a Lake meeting or a Lake picnic.
Dues can be paid to the SLIA Treasurer at a Lake meeting or Lake picnic.
Dues can also be paid at any time to the SLIA Treasurer or to any SLIA Officer.
SLIA Officers are listed on the Home page.